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POWERFUL YOU! Publishing

We are a publisher of inspirational and empowerment books, mostly by women. Our anthology books have helped more than 350 women become published authors. Our mission is to raise the vibration of people and the planet and to connect and empower individuals in their lives. If your mission is aligned, we’d love to publish your book and story.

BONUS GIFT: BOOK PROMOTION CHECKLIST - The best time to start promoting your book is 6-12 months before your launch date. Get this valuable
BOOK PROMOTION CHECKLIST and be ready for a successful launch.Get Your Gift

Presence Practice with Nilima Bhat

Nilima Bhat is a leader in the fields of Personal Mastery, Leadership, Gender Equality and Wellbeing. Coauthor of two books, Shakti Leadership and My Cancer Is Me, she is the Founder of the global Shakti Fellowship Program for women changemakers.

BONUS GIFT: We cultivate Presence to get in touch with our wholeness and to realize all we need is within us. With that realization comes a feeling of serenity and a sense of confidence. Shakti is always accessible within you; you don’t need to find it from somewhere outside of yourself. You can cultivate a state of Presence by using the Presence practice described in video. With practice, we can cultivate a state of full presence as our default state, ready to take on anything life brings to us.Get Your Gift

AmondaRose Igoe

AmondaRose Igoe, “6-Figure Speaking Success Strategist,” is an award-winning speaker expert and best-selling author. She has been featured on CBS, NBC, FOX and in Chicken Soup for the Soul. AmondaRose is the author of “Pain-Free Public Speaking” and “Share Your Story,” and is the creator of the W.O.W. Wealth Event for Women.

BONUS GIFT: Take The Speaker Personality Quiz. Get rid of what isn’t working for you, so you can create more compelling presentations, deeper audience connection, increase program sales and… skyrocket your speaking opportunities. Get Your Gift

Living Well Whole Health

Helping you LIVE WELL - uniting the wisdom of science and Spirit. Education rather than medication to support WHOLE HEALTH.

BONUS GIFT: FREE Guide to Healthy Living. Learn how Integrated Functional Medicine can help you feel better TODAY! Simply enter your email address and we’ll send you our 15-page e-book right away. Get Your Gift

Teal Executives ~ Tiffany Espinosa

This complimentary guide “Stay Curious: Cultivating Curiosity To Support Your Personal And Professional Growth” will help you reconnect with your authentic self, channel your creativity, and surf your natural flows of energy. As an additional BONUS, get a free 30-minute talk and facilitated discussion for your group on cultivating curiosity.

BONUS GIFT: The pressures, challenges and opportunities leaders today face can be overwhelming. To be ready to meet the moment, it is critical to invest in growing ourselves and our teams. Dr. Tiffany Espinosa provides executive coaching to help individuals and organizations level up, make critical strategic decisions and bring together high performing teams. Get Your Gift

Ladybug Wellness

Ladybug Wellness is dedicated to empowering clients to achieve balance within their energy system to promote overall health and wellness. This website is a wealth of resources that will inspire anyone to find their true calling and passion by letting go of anything in their past that hinders them from a life worth living.

BONUS GIFT: Would you like to have more clarity and focus in your life; feel more whole, balanced and energized? Emotion Code is a non-invasive effective technique to release trapped negative energies that hinder you from feeling and experiencing all the good that life has to offer. Receive your complimentary introductory mini session here: Get Your Gift


We are the Good Vibes Gals, and we love spreading positive vibes and messages of empowerment, courage, positivity, faith, well-being, and LOVE. We design beautiful books – journals, planners, and notebooks - with these values in mind and our customers are at the heart of all we do.

BONUS GIFT: Journaling is good for the soul. This gift to you to help you “find the feel good” and live in that space every day. Follow the simple instructions
in the journal to optimize your experience and results.
Get Your Gift

Living by Human Design

Human Design is a new system of self-knowledge and self-awareness that differs fundamentally from anything else that exists in the world today. It is not built on belief or faith but is a logical, empirical system based on ancient wisdoms and quantum physics. New book by Karen Flaherty available on Amazon!

BONUS GIFT: A complimentary Human Design chart drawn from your birth data. What emerges is a genetic map, a blueprint for your life's journey. You will also receive a complimentary report describing your unique Energy Type and your decision-making strategy. Get Your Gift


Toxin-free products made with wild crafted and USDA certified organic ingredients! PURE Baby ~ PURE Basics ~ PURE Home ~ PURE Pets and AlphaZelle's newest line, Nature's Golden Miracle, Premium grade CBD products for People & Pets.

BONUS GIFT: Are you Being Poisoned? A Handbook to Toxic Ingredients. This educational handbook explores over 130 individual toxic ingredients. These harmful ingredients are not only found in most personal care products, but in all aspects of our lives including the food we consume. Download our FREE e-book Get Your Gift

21-Day Feel Good Challenge – with Sue Urda

Sue Urda is your Feel Good Gal. She is an Award-Winning and #1 Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Publishing. She is committed to helping entrepreneurs and all women thrive, get connected, and share their stories. Sue empowers individuals to live with purpose, grace, and ease and to FIND THE FEEL GOOD and embody it every day.

BONUS GIFT: Feeling out of sorts lately? On and off anxious, depressed, STRESSED, overwhelmed, or just plain old not yourself? Would you like to feel more EASE, peace, and grace no matter what is going on around you? It IS possible. Join this challenge to make simple and profound shifts in your thoughts, words, and actions to FEEL GOOD no matter what. Get Your Gift


Women In Joy, founded by Laura Rubinstein is an online retreat for Women. You can share and receive inspiring messages. Ask Coach Laura your questions and she will share her advice. Access the tools for cultivating your Feminine Power and living a joy-filled, passionate, juicy life!

BONUS GIFT: Are you ready to have more soul-connected juicy relationships? How about living authentically without stress or guilt and create flowing success! It all starts with a conscious awareness of our feminine essence. The Living In Feminine Energy Guide is here as our personal gift to you. Get Your Gift

Nora Yolles Young

Nora Yolles Young B.C.H, C.I., LBL® Nora's work as a certified integrative and regression hypnotherapist and instructor; Life Between Lives® therapist; Soul Consciousness Coach are her art and her soul’s purpose. She blends her understanding of consciousness and culture in her one-on-one and group sessions, training, lectures and publications.

BONUS GIFT: Connect and have greater access to the innate technology that lies within you and level up in all areas of your life with a free 1:1, 30 minute discovery call with Nora Yolles Young. Have the experience of discovering what working Nora will be like. You won't want to miss it. Get Your Gift

Kumari Healing

Founder of Divine Human Institute, Kumari is a catalyst for soul-full evolution. Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, Reiki Master and best-selling author, Kumari was a civil rights attorney when her father died of cancer, inspiring her to master energy medicine. For the past 33 years she has facilitated profound transformations for thousands of people and their beloved animals.

BONUS GIFT: Higher Heart Chakra Activation - The opening of this new Higher Heart chakra energy center is a key step in your spiritual awakening. Your Higher Heart chakra is your gateway to higher consciousness, aligning your life in love, prosperity, joy, fulfillment and purpose. Additionally, activating this region supports a healthy thymus gland which plays a crucial role in strengthening your immune system. Get Your Gift


Jennifer Hamady is a vocal coach and therapist specializing in the technical and emotional issues that interfere with self-expression. Based in New York City and Washington DC, Jennifer works in private practice with musicians and others to discover, develop, and confidently release their best personal, professional, and performance potential. She writes for The Huffington Post and Psychology Today on matters of creativity and is the author of three books and vocal and personal self-expression.

BONUS GIFT:Enjoy the first chapter of Jennifer’s latest book, "The Art of Singing” about the psychology, relationships, and technology in recording and performing. Get Your Gift

Loving To Be WE

Best-selling author shares her mystical bonding with a younger Jamaican father living in poverty, and passionately details their 26-year romance, parenting, and marriage still going strong. The former director of a multicultural institute illuminates ways to overcome cross-cultural conflicts, and understand Jamaican, Rastafari, and U.S. cultures. An intriguing memoir full of incredible obstacles and drama.

BONUS GIFT: “Live It Up” e-book highlights how Cheri, in early 2013, used lifestyle changes to heal from a grim Stage 4 Lung Cancer diagnosis in less than three months. Certified as a Cancer Education Coach, she offers free consultation via WhatsApp 876.517.8504 and Zoom and with visitors booked in their guest home overlooking Montego Bay, Jamaica. Get Your Gift

Dancing Jaguar Inspirations

With a holistic approach to integrating mind, body, and spir­it, this company teaches children how to nurture their inner world. When children are encouraged to trust their intuition, honor their truth, and speak from the heart, they are empowered with wisdom in their toolbox for life.

BONUS GIFT: Negative self-talk undermines our self-confidence and stops us from reaching our full potential. If you have an inner critic that is constantly undermining your progress, the “Meeting Your Inner Critic" script will help you identify thought patterns that are blocking you from creating the life of your dreams. Get Your Gift

Sharon Ann Rose

Sharon Ann Rose is a Wise Woman, Alchemical Midwife, and author, who helps empower women to reclaim vitality and rebirth themselves. For 20+ years she's created a transformational body of work to support her clients in reclaiming their inherent grace and power. Sharon works with empathic female leaders to make bold, tender, and loving choices and listen to their feminine

BONUS GIFT: Bask in the soothing guidance of Sharon's voice through this 10 min audio: Take a Sacred Pause in Self Honoring. Receive compassion and healing for your nervous system, body, mind and soul. Cultivate a new rhythm of having time in your day to prioritize being your own best friend. Get Your Gift

Creative Leadership Systems

A dynamically evolving world calls for dynamic new thought processes for leading ourselves and others through these times. Dr. Moira Forsythe supports development of unique, effective ways of staying in the flow with strategies that work. Personal, professional, organizational growth tools that creatively engage the new paradigms of tomorrow, today.

BONUS GIFT: Creating Resilience in Times of Change & Challenge. A visually rich guide to discovering your strengths and deepening your capacity for joyful resilience in times of change. Get Your Gift

Betsy Lambert

The Body Code works remotely to identify tissue imbalances within a client's body that are caused by trapped negative emotions and thought patterns. Using its Emotion Code tool, the Body Code is then able to permanently remove these negative energies so that clients can heal from physical and emotional trauma.

BONUS GIFT: Anyone who is unsure if the Body Code will work for them is invited to have a FREE consultation with Betsy Lambert. In this no obligation, 20-minute consultation you will be invited to share your concerns and hear how her technique might be able to help you overcome them. GET YOUR GIFT from her website. Get Your Gift


Change your mind, change your world. Linda Lang is a gifted healer and mentor who guides her clients to step beyond limiting beliefs, patterns and unresolved emotions into higher states of life mastery. With over 35 years experience bridging energy, intuition and healing, Linda has a vast and varied repertoire for self-exploration and transformation.

BONUS GIFT: ENJOY this energetic alignment process that will center your energy, connect you with your own inner knowing and open the doorway of spiritual wisdom. Only a few minutes daily can make a profound impact! Includes the Embodied Wisdom Spirit Prayer, e-book & audio meditation. Align with your intent and allow! Get Your Gift


I work with Creative Entrepreneurs who have lost their mojo and inspirational vision. I help them reclaim their power, and find the courage to create their great work.

BONUS GIFT: Get Instant Access to Your Gift! "How to Get Your Mojo Back!" The Creative Entrepreneur's Guide ~ Receive Five Energetic Keys to ignite and remove creative blocks. Tap into your intuition to help you through transition and big change. Discover what is holding you back. Find innovative connections for breakthrough. Receive unique perspective of your situation in alignment with your values. Get Your Gift


Saira Priest is the author of: “Zen of Hoarding - 108 offerings for deciding what you own.” Clear the space between the clutter and your calling. “Seek Joy,” relax to a reading meditation filled with natural images paired with uplifting reflections. “If We Were…” share a sweet message of sharing with a child you love.

BONUS GIFT: "SEEK JOY" e-book download. Sign up for a "Dose of Joy" occasional inspirations by email, and receive an email with your FREE PDF E-BOOK titled "SEEK JOY" filled with beautiful images and encouraging words for your journey. Get Your Gift

DeAnne C. Gauya, MS, CPT, LMT, NCBTMB, E-RYT 200

DeAnne is a Holistic Fitness Coach, Stress Reduction Expert, Amazon Best-selling Author, National Speaker, and the CEO (Creative Energetic Orchestrator) of her own business and brand, GAUYAFIT, LLC. For over 30 years, she has remained on the ‘cutting edge’ of Mind/Body Medicine and Holistic Fitness. DeAnne has helped 1,000s of clients across the country develop healthier lifestyles and improve their fitness. She is on a mission to help as many Active Agers as she possibly can. If you would like to be more stress resistant, resilient, adaptable, healthier, happier, and able to live your life full of possibility, positivity, and freedom, then DeAnne is your woman.

BONUS GIFT: DeAnne can help you learn to “Surf the waves of your life with less stress + MORE JOY. Why not start today? Complete the GAUYAFIT Lifestyle Fitness Assessment and book a free 20-minute Zoom call Get Your Gift


The Gusty Gal with Soul™ movement is luring powerful women to inspired action, led by of the ultimate crusader, Roe. As a strong advocate for feminine/masculine balance and women having it all, she has women taking more risks and achieving more than they ever had before gracefully. Her company is dedicated to leading women leaders to develop their highest calling.

BONUS GIFT: The Gutsy Gals Guide To: Blending Financial Success with Spiritual Fulfillment. Receive my Feminine Power Branding with Archetypes Assessment and Master Class. This will enable you to capture the spirit, personality, and passion that infuses everything you do and unlocks the powerful, instantly recognizable presence within you that’s a client-attraction and opportunity magnet. Value $597 Get Your Gift

Embracing Change with Carol McClelland Fields

Carol McClelland Fields, PhD, BCC is a business mentor, trainer, and author of the Seasons of Change and Purpose Clarity. Carol provides refreshing perspectives and powerful insights to those in transition as they transform their confusion, frustration, and procrastination into clarity, hope, and positive action. She also mentors Change Catalysts who support clients in transition.

BONUS GIFT: We are all facing relentless waves of change. As each new wave crashes upon us, there’s little time to recover before the next wave hits. It’s exhausting. Discover how Embracing Change offers an easier path forward. Download a colorful, easy-to-read eBook: Riding the Waves of Change: Growing, Healing, and Evolving Through Times of Deep Uncertainty. Get Your Gift

Sacred Journey Inward

Author and Intuitive Facilitator

BONUS GIFT: Ten minutes of a gifted intuitive reading Get Your Gift

Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki provides spiritual health and well-being to clients and groups through education, coaching, Shamanic work and Reiki. Reiki is a natural (non-pharmacological) spiritual practice that supports self-healing in body, mind and spirit. Transform trauma and loss into life wisdom and strength through spiritual healing.

BONUS GIFT: Take a delightful dip into a refreshing peacefulness meditation infused with gentle, healing Reiki by Master Reiki Practitioner Deborah Strafuss in this spiritually strengthening podcast meditation! Clear your Mind, Refresh your Spirit, Renew your Body, with Reiki Meditation. Get Your Gift

BioElectric Shield Company

After nearly 30 years in business, the BioElectric Shield has helped over 200,000 people regain their natural energy from more than EMF. Many customers -especially empaths- have reported that they feel less impacted by energy from other

BONUS GIFT: Top Ten Life Hacks for HSPs and Empaths. Do you often feel overwhelmed by things that don’t bother most people? Do you feel emotions strongly, and often have thoughts, feelings, and sensations that you just can’t explain? In the course of a day do you sometimes swing wildly from happy, to sad, to fearful and back up (hopefully) to feeling good? You don’t have to be an HSP (highly sensitive person) or Empath to find useful information in this resource. Get Your Gift

Maria Florin

A personalized 30 minute emotion code session. Emotion Code is an energy based breakthrough method that makes it possible to release emotional baggage from your subconscious mind. Together we will release trapped emotions from your subconscious so that you can begin to find freedom from the inner critic that may be holding you back.

BONUS GIFT: Maria Florin is a personal growth coach and emotion code practitioner. She is on a mission to guide women in finding the light that is already within them so they can live with more gusto and enthusiasm. Maria blends her knowledge of mindfulness, other embodiment practices, and emotion code to assist her clients to find that inner peace that’s been hiding inside each of them. Get Your Gift

Jade Rehder, Empath Whisperer

Jade creates the space for you to walk out of the chaos and confusion, clean up your emotion-set and build your trust muscle so you can take your Spirit led work out in the world. She assists others in accessing their inner magic. Jade's heart longing is that the world accesses the absolute love available within ~ Aloha

BONUS GIFT: KLEAR Over Connection to the Collective is an alchemical transmission of energy and words to assist you in creating a new energy agreement with the collective energies. Through this experience, we catalyze healing and awakening at a profound level. Assisting you in KLEARing your way to multidimensional Awareness.  Get Your Gift

Tiara Resource Circle

The Tiara Resource Circle is your home for support, guidance, and the expert-crafted practical tools you need to gain clarity and confidence on your leadership journey. Our goal is to create a safe space to gather and grow for those of us who have traditionally felt stifled by the typical power dynamics in the workplace.

BONUS GIFT: One of the most common struggles we hear in the Tiara Resource Circle community is - "I'm scattered and overwhelmed." Visit the link below to learn how to download our "Six Ways to Stay Focused" featuring Tiara's Global Leadership Team and reclaim a leadership role in your life. Get Your Gift

Revital Chitayat

Revital Chitayat is a "Spiritual Archeologist", International Coach, Speaker and Intuitive Teacher guiding reluctant leaders who play hide and seek with their Power and Purpose to own their true potential and expand their impact in the world. She resides in Israel, leading seminars and workshops alongside her on-line practice.

BONUS GIFT: What would be possible if we started questioning some of the atrocious things we think, believe and say to ourselves? In this Masterclass, Revital Chitayat introduces a revolutionary approach to our "Inner Doubter" and shares a simple tool to create a deep shift in life long thinking patterns, leading the way from Doubt to Destiny. Get Your Gift


FEELREAL is a social learning network that convenes expert Spaceholders and connects them to the individuals & organizations that need them. Rooted in the principles of restorative justice, we expand opportunities for meaningful dialogue and community-building to deepen relationships and advance the goals of inclusion, mindfulness, and social wellness within and across public and organizational settings.

BONUS GIFT: Join more than 600 Spaceholders to receive hand-picked trainings and discounts every month for facilitation, mindfulness, social-emotional intelligence, diversity/equity/inclusion, community organizing and more! Get Your Gift

Karen Coccia

Karen’s mission is to empower others to experience their own power and higher-self connection, cultivating an authentic thrive state. A Quantum Healer and Soul Alignment Coach, she helps clients make lasting changes using D-Codes , Reiki, Quantum healing, and Akashic Records. She works with a variety of complaints including allergies, PTSD, mindset, and chronic pain.
BONUS GIFT: This meditation activates your sense of empowerment, reconnecting you to your soul, the earth, and your source. Find a comfortable place where you will be uninterrupted and enjoy this meditation as often as you like. Get Your Gift